Tuesday, November 27, 2018

What's that smell?

Amid the cacophony of wails regarding Governor-Elect Dunleavy's request for resignations, and claims of "loyalty oath demand", and other assorted protestations of unfairness, there is an underlying hint of fear and trepidation.  

Mr. Babcock was accurate when he stated that no one person is irreplaceable, when it comes to state employment. Those of us in the private sector know this, and live this, every single day. 

This was followed by much consternation and gasps of fear, over his astute choices thus far, for his administration. I am awaiting to learn who will head the Division of Agriculture, because it surely will not be sycophant Keyes, with all his photo ops with Walker, his maxed out donations to Walker's failed bid for re-election and so on. Given the outstanding excellence of Gov-Elect Dunleavy's picks, I am confident that Corri Fiege will chose someone who is not afraid to clean house, shutter programs with little value, and put someone in place who will move Alaska Ag forward into the 21st century. It is so in a rut, so technologically lagging, so unable to serve the residents, it seriously needs a power wash, top to bottom. 

And let's not forget the BAC (Board of Agricultural Conservation, which oversees the ARLF) and it's staggering partisanship, inability to even provide an agenda, inability to provide meeting minutes, and it's unknown loan parameters. Here too, a complete replacement (or even perhaps, a reqorking of the seats themselves, is sorely overdue. 

So that slightly sour aroma wafting from 1800 E Glenn Highway?  Pretty sure it's the smell of fear and uncertainty, as our highly paid public servants come to realize they may have screwed the pooch one time too many.