Saturday, March 28, 2009

Eruption of Mt. Redoubt 3-38, ashfall.....

has now been reported from south Anchorage to the bases. This is in about four hours' time, and looks to be headed right on up the Inlet to the Valley.

Keep in mind that the areas they specify for ashfall, are based on wind trajectories and not necessarily where (and when) the ash will fall-never mind how much.

When I look outside towards Anchorage, I can see a definite brownish cast to the cloud cover.


suvalley said...

This morning, we have what I would call a "heavy trace" of ash at home. You can see it, and even though the winds are picking up, smell it too.

Here at work, the winds are up and I can see and feel nothing, not even in the office. So, the winds are helping blow the ash westward.

Unknown said...

nyah--been there done that with Mt St Helens (just kidding). Be super careful with the air filters in your vehicles that use them, carry fresh ones or frequently clean them, some people back then covered them with panty hose. Hope all goes relatively ok!! wyldthang from HT