Friday, December 3, 2010

The American Codex, part one.....

As I said yesterday, here are some items which pertain to "The American Codex" and what it means for you-and me.

First, it helps to understand the meaning of the word "Codex". When you look up the definitions, you will see that most dictionaries will read something like this:

1. A manuscript volume of classic work or of the scriptures
2. Archaic. A code, a book of statutes.

Codex Alimentarius (Latin-meaning Food Law or Code) has come to mean something altogether different than one might suppose. I urge you to read this article from 2000: This is short overview of the Codex and what it meant back in 2000.

Fast forward to 2010, and these links describe the Codex Alimentarius much more accurately:

Here is what the USDA has on their website about Codex Alimentarius:

President Obama was rumored to have signed an executive order which basically agrees to global governance of our nation's food supply-from seeds, to the finished product in the store or on your table. While this is not exactly the case, we are handing off our food chain to multinational corporations and Agribiz, which will be enforced not just by the USDA, but the FDA and DHS. Yes, you read correctly-the Division of Homeland Security.

The American Codex, part two coming.......

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