Monday, August 22, 2011

As the milk turns...........

......and turns and churns and spins and on it goes, and where it stops-nobody knows.

You didn't really think it was over, did you?

I didn't, I know my adversary oh too well for that. And recent events have proven this truth-that All That is a dogged, likely deranged, despot who will do anything to have her way.

I last left it with the Alaska Mini Goat Cache, via email, that I wanted my money back. The new Prez (Rayna Fritcher) trotted out the party line as supplied by All That: Write a detailed statement as to why you deserve your money back and mail to blah blah blah,a nd then we might give it back blah blah blah. Their own bylaws and statements Pres. Fritcher made do not, of course, cover those people they expelled.

Nope, no sirree, if they refund my money they essentially admit I was a member, lol I can't be a "membership applicant" either because the judge said that the previous expulsions would stand-according to their "conditions", I have to wait two years to reapply. By squatting on my cash, they have effectively.....well, stolen it. I mean, they won't return it and they've tied themselves neatly in knots by their own admissions and statements to the court and the public.

So while all this percolated away in the background going no where, another matter arose regarding All That. It seems that her desire for vengeance continues unabated, and now includes the DHI program. This is taking matters to a new low, indeed. Naturally, the complaint was easily dealt with as it was bogus in the first place, and I may need to eventually describe in excruciating detail the single time I attempted to perform a milk test for All That. I am so thankful for a near photographic memory, really I am, because if necessary...I can go there too.

All That again showed her true nature just recently to the new president too-who continues to deny being manipulated and used. Oh dear, none so blind as those that refuse to see, yes? I can't share the details but I assure the readers that it does involve the club and does prove that All That is whacked indeed.

So whacked, in fact, that I filed a small claims suit to get my money back. Yes indeed, I did, on August 5th.....feel free to check CourtView for the activity so far if you choose. Trust that I was thorough in my complaint-it contained only the relevant documents that All That so kindly supplied to the court for the other case as emails between Rayna Fritcher and I regarding returning my cash. I am positive that I will prevail, and this misadventure will cost the club over $100....and likely set the precedent for others to follow. Keep in mind that there are nearly a dozen other people whose money they have taken, but not accepted as members, nor refunded. And there are three other people who they expelled and did not return their money.

Maybe I will just contact the Division of Corporations about their misbehavior to date, and the BBB and whoever, you know-the Human Rights Commission-for their blatant in-your-face discrimination?

It depends on their response to the court ;)


Grizzly Lover Bob said...

Your blog reads like there are a bunch of crooks keeping your money ! Sue them, and if that don't work, give them some bad publicity, i would suggest .

suvalley said...

Well, Bob, that is what I am doing. It could have been avoided but I presume their egomania prevented any shred of common sense to surface.

I have written about this many times on this blog, you might try searching back for "Fractured Fair Tales"
