Sunday, January 1, 2017

2017 for Alaska Ag

Allow for the quasi-legal disclaimer: This blog is opinion. It is as factual as can be ascertained, and where question arise, the veracity (or lack thereof) of the information relayed is clearly stated.  Consider the content as a sort of citizen journalist's way of disinfecting the slimy underbelly of Alaskan Agriculture.

This blog fully intends on becoming more pointed, more aggressive and less conciliatory in the year to come. If you need a safe space for your sensibilities, snowflakes are encouraged to click back to safer havens. 

If the blog entries bring you to new conclusions, sheds new light on buried scandal or malfeasance, and widens the scope of your understanding (whether you agree or not) then it will have served well, all participants in agriculture in Alaska.

You've been warned!

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