Thursday, May 5, 2011

A little sunshine

We have a little sunshine this afternoon, and it has surely lifted my spirits! Now if the night time temperatures would just come up about 8 degrees, I'd be a happy camper too.

Speaking of sunshine.....You may have heard the word used to describe exposing various schemes, plots, past actions of ill repute and so on. As in, "shine a little sunshine" on some person or situation. Today, I'd like to shine a little light on what can only be called a "smear campaign".

The important thing to know about smear campaigns, is that they are deadly effective. Whether the aim is to ruin reputations, or carried out for spite, revenge or whatever, they are insidious. In the right situation, just casting doubt is as damaging as renting a bill board for the world to see. Another important thing to know about these, is that the target is forced into a defensive posture. Rarely does a victim go on the offensive to curb or muzzle the perpetrator-they are too busy attempting to smooth the waters by providing the real truth-or simply too upset or angry to cope with the attack. Some folks will retreat into their circle of friends, family and supporters, and not deal with it all....which is essentially allowing the smear campaign to continue unabated and unchallenged.

They are incredibly effective when they are carefully planned and executed with the shield of anonymity, typically by using third parties, or such venues as can be found on line easily. Having been the victim myself a number of times, I understand the frustration that results. That said, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who might be gunning for you, either. It will someone you had a run in with (even though it may have seemed inconsequential at the time), someone you had a big argument with-in person or on the web, or simply someone who has bought into whatever gossip/rumor/innuendo was fed to them.

The people who orchestrate smear campaigns, I consider to be cowards. Not brave enough to face someone and have it out-they resort to using other means to do their dirty work. And dirty work it is, make no mistake about it.

So, consider this a public warning to the two people attempting to "ruin" me. I won't have it. If you don't have the balls to take it to me direct, then remember this: It's a two way street.

And you live on it too.

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