Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2013 in closing

I had vowed to take a long break from blogging, figuring nobody was reading anyway. Funny thing about that, people are reading-and yes, some are messaging privately.

They want more of the story I posted in part here-but nope, that story served its purpose. It was truly nothing more than an exercise in mental problem solving, to a large degree. No need to drag it out for another 20 or 25 rambling posts, right?


In fact, I have withdrawn from much online interaction recently, with one exception locally. I find myself so overwhelmed by the state of our union, that I can barely stand to read the next folly, crime, or tragedy.  I make the occasional comment on Facebook, but in truth, it is not real discourse, conversation, or discussion. In all it's purported ability to bring together and grow a circle of friends of similar likes, I find that it polarizes most people-including me. I don't accept requests with abandon like I used to do, and have weeded down the list to a manageable size for the news feed-and there it is. Boring, predictable, inflammatory rhetoric and all. If I see one comic or saying I take delight in, it is a sure bet I will see it dozens of times in the coming weeks-and it's enough to annoy anyone. Especially me.

If you need a soap box, a blog is a much better choice. For me, who has little conversation in real life, the blog medium is perfect. Facebook is a snore compared to what I can convey here, on this page, with whatever topic, with whatever emotion I chose-and not have to worry about how some one person or segment of friends will be offended. Or angry. Or amused. Or, resort to that most childish of all insults-blocking. Well, surprise, surprise. I do have a few people blocked. One young gal for her threats. Another because she's a tool and clueless and she took glee in belittling me to her "friends". In fact there are several who fit that description, and they're about to be blocked or defriended too. Who cares?

Not I.

Not I, indeed.  In short, I have spent a number of years now, on Facebook, and find it just about the most dehumanizing electronic interaction around. I am constantly constrained to apply a filter that seems instinctively appropriate, instead of explaining what I would really like to say.  Oh, I enjoy some of the games, but that is nothing but a way to fill idle time, time I could spend...blogging :)

So, back to writing. Whether it is ever read-or not.


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