Monday, December 23, 2013

More information on the Sun

This is a concise video, you may need to watch it several times to "get" the science behind their claims, and those of the scientists quoted at length.

C(Lie)mate # 3

There are a number of blogs and websites that have very solid information posted. I prefer those that tend to give a broad overview, as opposed to those that have a narrow focus.

Some of the authors are amazing researchers, whose curiosity has lead them to startling conclusions, such as WUWT (wattsupwiththat) and here is a link to a related article on our solar neighborhood:

Another place read in depth, is:

Another chronicler of earth changes can be found here:

My own journey into the science and theories, began with reading this one particular entry:

The Coming Celestial Convergence

There is a lot to learn about the earth, the sun, the solar system, and what is currently taking place. I often wonder if the authors of the above blogs and sites, take into account the "Magnetic Fluffy Ribbon"? 

I have no answer, but instinctively, I know something is amiss. Really going sideways, you know? I read a blurb just the other day, that says they expect the sun's magnetic field to flip within the next couple of weeks.

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