Thursday, June 26, 2014

A few voices, a few lights

and a few brave souls are sounding the alarm. 

There are a few on FOXNews, mostly military types, and a couple notable public figures such as Allen West and Mike Savage, and it is mentioned elsewhere-you just have to hunt for the comments. They show up on my Facebook newsfeed, commentary, memes, jokes, partisan rants and so forth.

A few days ago, this showed up on my newsfeed:

Yes, I realize it's an older tweet, but the man moved to delete it (reportedly) and in response, the astute Allen West had this to say about it:

In  his comments, Mr. West ably describes how what is normally seen as inflammatory rhetoric, or an outrageous fabrication, gets floated to the public, then repeated and eventually becomes accepted fact.  This is a very dangerous thing, particularly when it comes to policy positions. (See any of the White House lies about any of their many scandals-how their "talking points" became quoted as factual by the complicit media, and subsequently assumed to be so by the American public)

In exercising my first Amendment right, I will state right here and now, that you will see a stronger push towards acceptance of radical Islam, across all state and federal bureaus, and that it will be sold to you as tolerance, diversity, and multiculturalism. That you must be more open to other religions, yet say nothing offensive in response. That islam will be pushed as a "religion of peace" by our leaders, and quickly the religious leaders will join in the chorus. This is how terrorists get labeled "insurgents" or "resistance fighters" and then "freedom fighters" and eventually "factions" and it's no wonder no one can keep American foreign policy's a corkscrew of misconstrued facts, outright lies, and fumbling policy blunders.

It will be mass brainwashing at its finest.  It's already happened, did you know? In the biggest, in your face manner: When the Ft Hood massacre, by a jihadist *in our own uniform* (!!!) was called "work place violence".  The White House, the spokeperson, the main stream media reporters, all calling it work place violence. Since when is a lunatic murdering people, shouting Allahu Akbar, not qualify as terrorism?  Or, if that doesn't suit, how about the Boston bombing pair? On the watch list, supposedly under surveillance by DHS and assorted other agencies. And yet, and yet, they could not be tracked nor found, with all the might of the metadata collected by electronic spying by our own government. Nope, they had to lock down the city, put LE and military on the street-and the good people of Boston rolled right over and complied.  The Boston Marathon Bombing was quickly enough replaced by other scandals plaguing this administration....there is always another one, isn't there?

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