Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Alaska Ag......The USDA stamp shakeout

(The USDA "stamp" is a euphemism for acquiring all the approvals and following all protocols necessary-including inspection-to sell cuts of meat to retail and commercial customers. This differs from custom exempt, whereby the consumer purchases a live animal and butchers themselves for their own use)

In the muddled mess that is meat production in Alaska, nothing exemplifies the pitfalls as well as the history of MMM&S.

Long on the books as an asset of the BAC, and managed by the DOA, it constantly lost money, except for one year when they sold a load of hides. Under the auspices of the DOA, the plant deteriorated and the business conducted there was.....marginal for some producers. When the calls arose for privatization several years back, the BAC was forced to put it up for bid. This caused some fractions within the farming community, and the BAC (wearing their CBC of Ag hats for all to see), accepted a bid well below appraised value.

Last week, the plant was formally handed over to the new owner.  There's no assurance of success (the plant has failed in private hands before, necessitating State intervention to keep this crucial asset functioning) but there is hope that having a producer in charge of operations will succeed where others have not. Volumes have been written about the inefficiencies of government to run business, so there is no need to repeat what is well known. However, the new owner is investing in our community by making improvements, performing needed upgrades, and so on. This allows the small producers some small measure of optimism for the future.....except that:

The new owner has applied and received a direct to slaughter import permit. This allows the new management to import cattle from Canada, direct to the plant in Palmer. They have 14 days from arrival to process those cattle, who most assuredly are not Alaska grown, raised, or pastured. Just how this will effect scheduling at the plant for the community, remains to be seen.

Two weeks ago, another USDA stamp processing facility began operations. The BAC and the DOA management are directly responsible for its creation. (The long, sordid story of how the BAC turned down a near-asking price from this new facility owner is again, the CBC of Alaska Ag picking winners and losers in the tiny club that is Alaska agriculture.)  This new facility is not open to the public, will be processing both local and imported cattle and hogs, and is pursuing specific markets.  Whether they open to other producers in the future remains to be seen-but here again, there is a proven professional businessman at the helm. The majority of cattle processed here will be what might be called "Alaska Finished", that is, the cattle spending several months at Pt MacKenzie before processing.

Also reportedly in the works, yet another USDA facility for processing. This one supposedly involves the Denali Meats principals. Having the sole processing plant for Southcentral in the hands of a direct competitor was likely more risk than they felt ready to assume-and thus, their remedy was another plant. It is unknown if this facility would process for the public, but considering the rumored location, it is unlikely.

The water is already muddled when it comes to market branding, and the direct-to-slaughter import matter further roils the situation. The "Alaska Grown" program has specific conditions, but there is no enforcement if a consumer is somehow lead astray with advertising. There have already been several incidents where meats were marketed wrongly-with no penalty for the CBC of Alaska Ag players.

In the end, the decisions and actions of the CBC of Alaska Ag, have served to accidentally spur the growth of the protein sector, not stifle competition for MMM&S.

It's a sector long overlooked in the patchwork of improving Alaska food security.


Anonymous said...

It's funny you should mention the compliance part, I have hard proof that Butcher Block #9 and Mat Valley Meats along with Scott Mugrage imported heifers in October 2016 and immediately started killing them and selling them as "Alaska Grown" here in Alaska as everybody knows this is completely dishonest and misleading to the consumer when I requested additional information to prove to DOA they have been misleading people on "Alaska Grown" I was told they could not release that under a Freedom of Information Act Request do to the fact it was a Trade Secret! Yes my friends it is a "Trade Secret" so I have submitted all my information to the State Attorney General and they have very gladly took up investigation! Maybe the DOA can protect there "Trade Secret" from being prosecuted. A Cheat is a Cheat! You Business Men are Cheats!

suvalley said...

Trade secrets?

Do tell us more. I cannot imagine what records the DOA would have, that would actually constitute "trade secrets" in the common sense.

Are the records copyrighted or trademarked? And if so, how is allowing the DOA to have in their possession *any* of it, good business practice?

Was this excuse generated by their limitless legal staff they have at their disposal? (aka the DOA can tap state attorneys for services at will)

Or was this just some of the quasi-legal grok.gov speak the DOA spews when they don't want to comply with FOIA requests? Because there are plenty of examples floating around about that.

It is a complete mystery to me, why public servants work so hard at keeping public information from the public.

Alaska Grown is its own post, for sure.

Anonymous said...

If you go on Butcher Block #9 Facebook page Arthur Keys and Amy Pettit along with the rest of the DOA crew likes and comments on almost everything they post, seems a little suspicious to me if they will not release any information to the public on these on these individuals, almost like they were covering up for them. I am positive the State Attorney General Will bring things to light though as deceiving and misrepresenting products to the public is a crime here in Alaska. I hope they get what they have coming to them!

suvalley said...

To anonymous poster above, who was told that DOA could not comply with a FOIA due to trade secrets....you have been misinformed.


Feel free to email the blog author: suvalley@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Your accusations of these two business' is a lie.

Anonymous said...

If it's a lie prove it!

Anonymous said...

Look at Butcher Block #9 Facebook page at the WELL marbled Grass Fed Beef! Any person with common sense knows that you cannot get marbling like that with grass fed beef! So you be the judge on calling people a lier on false and misleading advertising! That's like the Free Range cattle in Delta Junction in January!

Anonymous said...

Keep talking John Anderson.... keep talking....

Anderson.john118 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anderson.john118 said...

Actually it's not me. Funny thing is I have shopped at that store, bought stuff and told my friends to shop there too. Good try, maybe next time #offs

Anonymous said...

Why do we always resort to threats when someone speaks the truth or there mind on this blog? This is a forum for people to voice there opinion and share information seems every time someone telling the truth somebody immediately starts threatening. Look at the bussiness Facebook page and judge yourself and for myself I would like to see the "Hard" evidence on the that the person has to prove that Butcher Block #9 and Mat Valley Meats along with Scott Mugrage did there own direct slaughter of Alaska Grown Beef like Mikes Meats tried to do recently but his cattle were in such poor condition that the Canadian Vet. Authorities would not allow them or our State Vet. to come into the State of Alaska this is what you get when you have dishonest people trying to make a fast buck. Let's not forget who buddies up with both Butcher Block #9 and Scott Mugrage and Mikes Meats the same DOA that protects there trade secrets! What a JOKE

Anonymous said...

Look up Mugrage Hay and Cattle in the Sourcebook. Apparently they are the only people in the state to grain feed their beef. "We are also the home of the only grain fed beef in Alaska." So is it grain fed or grass fed? They must be as confused as I am right now.

Anonymous said...

There the HOME of Feeding Bullshit To People! Right along with Nate Burris of Butcher Block #9 he's the HOME of Alaska Grown Beef. Facts are Facts there's only so many cattle in the State of Alaska and Nate Burris and Scott Mugrage own them ALL! Bahahaha! What a JOKE! They should say Alaska Grown Beef strait from Canada!