Thursday, August 30, 2012

2012 Presidential Race......2

So, the Alaska Republican Party has shown itself to be a down and dirty, partisan group-which, of course, it always was. Of that, they have a leading example on the national level, if reports from the RNC in Tampa are to be believed. More mistreatment of Ron Paul supporters, and TEA party members, and really, the GOP should also be ashamed. What a way to sow discontent and fracture an already tense scene. I have read a lot of incendiary commentary about this, attributing it to Mitt Romney, which of course is not the case. If there is malfeasance in the party, then it rests with the party movers and shakers, not the presumptive nominee.  Too bad they are so lofty in their righteousness that they cannot understand the peril they place the party itself in: There are many many people just like me, who are disgusted. If there was a viable alternate party, I'd be in it, at this point. I'm sick of principles being bartered away for "bipartisanship" on bills, motions, and other Congressional acts. If they had the nerve to adhere to a set of simple platform points we could all agree on, instead of a umpteen page "position paper", they'd garner a lot of new energy....and support.  At this point, all I can hope for is that no implosion takes place, and Mitt Romney delivers a speech that hits it out of the ballpark-like Paul Ryan did.

Now, let's take a look at the Obama campaign. And really, did he ever quit campaigning? (Rhetorical snicker from yours truly, I hope you enjoy ;))  Since he cannot run on his dismal record, he is allowing his campaign to take division, racism, hate speech, outright lies, and negative spin where none exists, to a new low. I am saddened to see this occurring, because for as much as I dislike the man, these actions demean the Presidency-and the process. So shame on the Democratic national party too. No need to trot out the lengthy list of smear and attack ads, I'm sure you have all seen them ad nauseum.

But if there is one single culprit that can be positively identified, for the misinformation, the hyping of talking points, and the outright reek of pander, it is the "media".

Why have we come to the point where the media, answering to no one but their stockholders and editors, steers the course of the country? Why have we let this happen? Why do we allow the debate to be shaped by sycophants behind a microphone? This is a very valid point and has been addressed much more eloquently by the likes of Judge Andrew Napolitano, Mark Levin, and so on. 

If you are clueless as to what I am talking about, please check into the many YouTube videos posted about:  Soledad O'Brien, Chris Matthews, Bill Kristol, virtually anyone at CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC.  I could list many others, but really, you should do your own homework on this one. They are all nothing but yapping lapdogs, desperate to appease the Anointed One in the Oval Office. Really, did you all think we are too stupid to notice?  Do you think we are all sheep who will swallow your pablum without a thought as to it's supposed veracity? And just when did talking heads become "reporters" or "journalists" anyway? When I was in school, you were taught to report based on facts, not opinions. Not spin, not hype. Not self serving aggrandizement, not to curry favor, not to please the subject. When was the last time you read or heard an actual factual story in the main stream media?  I'll wait while you think about it...and do get back to me on it, because you'll need to do some digging............

...and yep, more to come ;)

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