Thursday, August 30, 2012

The 2012 Presidential Race

Might as well jump back into the commentary fray by addressing one of, if not *the* biggest topic of the year.....right?  Progressives and liberals, feel free to click on out, you won't like the contents. For the voluntarianist, the Constitutionalist, the libertarian, and the Republican-read at your own risk ;)

First let me preface this by saying that my political views are a process of evolution. That said, I have voted (in my younger years) strictly the party ticket.....Republican all the way, baby, with not much thought given as to why I was voting the way I did. 

Around 30 years ago, roughly, I began paying attention to local politics, and became aware of how decisions made in Washington effected the company I worked for in a big way. That's not to say I had some sort of epiphany, or a moment of enlightenment, or anything of that nature. It was more an accretion of new ideas that were discussed and they, well, basically stuck. I have not missed a primary nor a regular election since I was old enough to vote, and I'm proud of that. I feel strongly that it is your duty as a citizen, to express your opinion via the ballot box, every single time. 

Being in a small area, and working where I do, I have met a number of local politicians over the years. Some good, some bad, some incompetent, and some just outright nuts. But even a newb like me could see, that what happened down south, made its way onto the Anchorage and state books, with the Valley not far behind in every case. Eventually I figured out that in order to know what was coming, I had to look to Washington. During the Bush campaign, I began following the "media" and national politics more closely. And after 9-11, and the succeeding events, I found myself firmly hooked on the swamp on the Potomac, period.

I watched in outraged dismay as the current Imperialist in Chief was swept into office, without vetting. And I listened with deep unrest as our freedoms were stripped away, one act at a time. I mean, who could even imagine we'd have Czars and a ruler who decreed by executive fiat, at night on a weekend?  I surely didn't. This is most assuredly not the American way I learned about in school....which, by the way, is not even taught any longer.

I'm a fairly logical person, and often describe myself as a "practical realist". I read, and listened, and learned about how the state GOP treated the changing of the guard, and how they treated Ron Paul supporters locally. For shame, Alaska Republican Party, for shame. Instead of welcoming these activists into your fold, you have served to alienate them. For this, you might even hand over the Presidency to our Imposter in Chief. How foolish can you get, and what, exactly, did you fear? Well, whatever the motivating factor, Randy Reudrich should be ashamed of his actions, and so should everyone who supports him. Where will the next generation of Republicans come from, if not the passionate activist?  

.......more to come ;)

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