Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A very scary Tuesday

Reports are rocketing around the web, and in emails, about the financial news coming out of Europe yesterday and today. Several national exchanges have closed or been shut down to stop the bleeding, but it looks like the whole house of cards is about to go. I had confirmation of that when I heard the DOW closed down another 275 points. Look for Poland, Ireland, England and Japan to fold next. We are likely close behind, if not already started-tomorrow we will all know for sure.

You can read more about these matters and what they mean to us online at places like www.bloomberg.com and www.ft.com . There has been a big currency move, into dollars, and into gold of course.

What is it with Tuesdays anyway?

1 comment:

Cedar View Paint Horses said...

Never fear, Barry's Skimulus package will make it all better...

I have nothing but baaaad feelings about the near future. "They" always say it's gonna get worse before it gets better....and I don't know if I'm prepared for worse.

For a shamless plug, take a peek at my friend's blog: www.rhymeswithclown.blogspot.com
He expresses my sentiments on today's governmental snafus, and he uses really big words and stuff.