Progress is upon me, which presents me with a huge amount of more work.
And you know what? I don't mind a bit! The above photo is the reason why :) I am so thrilled with the new greenhouse, seriously! Yes I know it is not quite done, and yes I still need my fans and vents installed, but I am absolutely itching to have something green inside, lol!
And you know what? I don't mind a bit! The above photo is the reason why :) I am so thrilled with the new greenhouse, seriously! Yes I know it is not quite done, and yes I still need my fans and vents installed, but I am absolutely itching to have something green inside, lol!
It is 16 by 28 foot, a very generous dimension. Sitting upon a deck that is 16 x 34, with the ramp (for four wheeler and wheelbarrow access) and flanking steps as you can see. Inside are built in shelves around, with space for my water barrels. I also had them include a four foot long area where I can do my potting up, sitting down ;)
When complete, it will have one 24 inch and two 16 inch shutter fans on the rear wall, along with two 24 inch shutter vents on each side of the doors.
In celebration, I picked up a well matched pair of hanging baskets, as well as one for inside too!
1 comment:
The greenhouse is gorgeous. Build it yourselves or did you have someone do it for you? I want one too!!!!
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