Monday, May 18, 2009

Taking a gamble......

After monitoring my greenhouse temperatures in the morning for four days, I am taking a huge gamble that tomorrow mornings' temp will also be above freezing. Cross your fingers and toes! I know I am, lol 95% of my stuff is now down in the greenhouse, well watered and spread out over 60 some feet of shelves. Most everything is still sitting in flats, and very tiny compared to the local greenhouse offerings of course.

I have my water barrels up and filled and they are now tempered. And I have two small fans which have served to keep the day time temps under about 85 (in full sun) as long as I have the doors wide open. Between the fans running and the water barrels, the plants should weather the colder temps fairly well. Some things are on the floor, like a few of my bowls, some veggies and two fuschia baskets which prefer shade.

I got brave and put in one nail to hang one nasturium basket-just because it needed doing. At this point I am not sure what I am going to set up for baskets, or where! And it dawns on me-I have a lot of room in there, yes indeed I do ;)

The big plant up will probably come a little at time, after work each day. With the radio, the fans, a comfy chair-they only thing missing is a cooler or fridge for beverages ;)

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