Thursday, January 27, 2011

I know it's not Christmas, but I have this song

chorus stuck on my mind......."It's the most wonderful time of the year" Yes, I'll admit it, I have an ear worm ;) Around and around it repeats, and mentally I am sporting a broad grin, can't help myself one bit.

And why is that?

Because it's planting time, that's why!!!

My seeds are in, the garage mini greenhouse is built, plastics and media ordered, and starting very soon, I'll be filling trays and setting seed. YIPPEE!

By Saturday afternoon I should have dozens of flats filled, and placed under lights to begin the first plant of the season. I'll be starting with lobelia, and then successive plants will follow as the weeks roll on this spring. This time, I'll try to take more photos to track my course and progress-and to share here too.

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