Thursday, April 2, 2009

Catching up

Seems like all I am doing is catching up these days, lol! But I do know I am making some progress, I just need to remind myself of that fact from time to time......

First, I am still watching Mt. Redoubt. As of this time, volcanic activity is increasing so who knows, she's been quiet the last couple of days. The AVO also added another webcam (yay!) so all of us natural science geeks can get a better fix ;) Naturally, I just washed my car!

Second, things are still growing like crazy. My first batch of veggies has bolted something terrible. This is what happens when the blasted light timer does *not* shut off when it's supposed to, argh! I am moving the lights up today in the hopes I can save these first 15 flats. Everything at home is doing well, though-and tomorrow I need to start germinating my second set of veggies.

Third, old Sully is really doing very well. I finally managed to get the joint supplement that I wanted and he's been on it about a week or so. He is already improving, very noticeably. It takes about a month for full effect so I am very encouraged :) He is also proving himself to be the gentleman I know him to be, as mares start cycling into season there at the barn. He is well mannered and quiet-just like stallions should be, even if he has to go right by a mare in full, squatting heat....Good boy, Sully!

Fourth, we are starting to do the spring chores outside. We got the snow plowed off the arena area, and the panels back up after applying zinc to the bottoms. Of course we managed to get the gate backwards (second year in a row, lol!) but it does work. The horse trailer is moved to my work so we'll have access to it during break up.

Fifth, a Bobcat arrives tomorrow, so that we can push back the snowbanks. When we do this, we have much less run off to deal with, and we dry out much faster. If we have the time left on the machine, I think I will see if we can't clear off any deep snow at the barn too.

Sixth, I am still getting about an egg a day out of my three hens. I am amazed because I am pretty sure they are molting-considering the amount of loose feathers there. As soon as we have some green showing, I am going to let them loose for the summer. I am hoping they will come back to roost in the spot they have been using since October, and not up in the barn rafters, lol

Seventh, I have started in earnest to find another dog. This is a big issue for my family, and it does need to be just the right one. I had thought I found one, but the gal selling him-decided against us for a rather flimsy reason. That's okay, some things are not meant to be and I surely hope the wonderful dog finds just the right person. The right dog will come along at the right time, and in the meantime, we get to dog sit for my hub's aunt occasionally-who has an elderly Golden who is a hoot. We adore Mags, she is a great dog :)

That's about it from up to check the AVO, just in case!

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